

SNO. Name of Trade Electrician
1.  Code No.
2. Duration of Craftsmen Training 2 years Training
3. Duration of Apprenticeship Training 3 years including Basic Training of two years
4. Entry Qualification Passed in 10th class Examination Under 10+2 system of education with Science as one of the subject or its equivalent.
5. Rebate for Ex-Craftsmen Trainee(Electrician) 2 years for NTC
6. Ratio of Apprentice to Workers 1 : 7
7. Sanctioned in-take 21

At the conclusion of the Period of their Training, the Trainees shall be able to perform the following skills:-

  • Make simple wiring circuits with common electrical accessories with domestic electrical appliances for a specified voltage and current.
  • Carry out the necessary steps for charging secondary batteries individually, installation and grouping of batteries, care and maintenance of batteries.
  • Carryout simple wiring ckts. Earthing installation, undertake, laying of domestic wirings.
  • To install and connect Transformers, parallel connection, carry out necessary maintenance, able to connect and use CT & PT.
  • Able to carry out installation, Running and maintenance of Alternators.
  • Able to install different instruments for measurement of Voltage, Current, Power, Power factor and energy, etc.
  • Able to use Analog and Digital Multimeter, C.R.O.
  • Able to install Fluorescent lamp, Sodium Vapour Lamp, Neon Sign, Decorative Lights.
  • Carryout simple winding, re-winding of detected faults in Transformers, D.C. M/c’s.
  • Able to install starting and running D.C. motors, Synchronous motors, Power factor corrections.
  • Able to install different induction motors along with DOL / Star Delta starters.
  • Able to starting, running and Speed control of different types of induction motors.
  • Able to carry out wiring, rewinding of single phase and three phase induction motors.
  • Able to carry out wiring, rewinding of Universal motors.
  • Able to installation, starting, running and maintenance of M.G.Set.
  • Able to carry out wiring of contactors, relays, circuit breakers, control panel, wiring of Industrial / Domestic equipments.
  • Able to carry out installation of lighting arrestor, Horn gap, etc.
  • Able to assemble, test and rectify the faults of simple Electronic Circuits – power supply ckts, amplifiers and control ckts, Motor Drives.
  • Carryout wiring for lighting and power as per I.E. rules and test in residential buildings, workshops.
  • Connect, run, test and rectify the faults of electrical appliances / Installations.
  • Traces the faults and rectify them of the Auto Wirings.
  • To identify and trace the simple electronic ckts, test them and replace the faulty components.
  • Carry out commercial lighting for decoration etc.